Unnatural Experiments Assignment

Shagundeep Kaura
1 by Date 4► –

Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 3:34 PM From: James Daschuk To: Alissa Hogg, Allison Streisel, Arisha Mazhar, Bhagyashree Japan Barot, Cheryl Laidlaw, Eeman
Unnatural Experiments Assignment attached Due Feb. 14th
Hi everyone, I mentioned this assignment in our first meeting, here is the description of the assignment. Please think of this as a research paper, with a title page, in-text citations and a reference page. it is worth 10% of your final grade: You don’t need to deal with every single province and territory, select the ones that have been successful and the ones that have riot.
Good Luck,
Attachments: Unnatural Experiments Assignment Due Feb. 14th 2022.docx
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