Assignment guidelines


Assignment guidelines

8th August 2022

Academic Poster

Supporting rationale

The learning outcomes

An Academic Poster and supporting rationale which

1. Critically evaluate the role of the nurse in effectively managing

individuals living with a long-term condition.

2. Explore critically factors which influence the quality of care

management and delivery in working with individuals with long-term


3.Critically appraise approaches to care which promote health

enhancing behaviour in individuals with long-term conditions.



a single long term condition that you encounter in your practice


the issue of multi-morbidity

Critically appraise and analyse:

The disease burden/trends of the long term condition in your country

The local, national & international impact and policies

The nursing role when working in partnership with individuals living with

the long term condition or multi-morbidity you have chosen, and their


See Center for academic writing for support on critical thinking and writing:


Critically evaluate

Choose two of the factors which influence the quality of care

management and its delivery given below:

Person-centred care


Case management


Transitions in care


It is good practice in your written work to never disclose a person’s

name as this may be considered a breach of confidentiality.

Where an assessed piece of work requires the use of information of a

client’s personal case details in a health or social care context, every

reasonable effort must be made to ensure the data, is appropriately


The format

Your assessment must be produced using Microsoft Powerpoint with:

the front-sheet on slide 1

the poster on slide 2

your rationale on slide 3.

This MUST then be converted into one pdf. Document prior to

submitting to TURNITIN.

Slide1- front-sheet:

You MUST include a title slide at the beginning of your work which

includes the following information:

The title of the assignment

Your course

Your student ID (not your name)

The module code and title

The final word count of a) your poster and b) your rationale

Slide 2-poster:

Your poster must be size A1 – 84.1cm x 59.4cm and can be in either

landscape or portrait format.

Posters are designed to convey a message quickly and efficiently.

Think about what will communicate your key points

Find a focal point that will help draw your viewers in. This might be a

diagram , or a clear main title

Ensure your graphics or information stand out clearly in your design

Slide 3-rationale:

Your rationale must support the content of your poster and give more

detailed information to support its content.

This must also be fully referenced and meet the learning outcomes. It should


An introduction to the long term condition or issue of multimorbidity and

the key features that will be discussed:

What condition (s) are you focusing on?

What are the main features and its impact?

What policies will you discuss?

What two areas are you going to critically evaluate in more detail?

The main body of your rationale should critically appraise and analyse the

points you raised in your introduction.

A conclusion which summarises your findings and draw the main themes to

a logical conclusion.


The ONE pdf. Submitted before 18.00 hours on Monday 8th August,


You are advised not to leave submission to the last minute.

Please submit your final assignment through the TURNITIN links

which are on AULA underneath the ‘Assignments’ tab

Word Count

The total word allowance is 3000 words:

1500 for the poster

1500 for the rationale

You have a 10% margin either side of this word count – A penalty of 10%

of the mark for that piece of work will be applied to submissions that

exceed or are below the requirement by 10% or more.

The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the reference lists for your



What is it?

“In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses

someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge)

material without acknowledging its source”

(Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2014).

Turnitin is a service that helps lecturers and students check if a piece of work

contains sections that are identical to work submitted or published elsewhere. It

is very important that you review the originality report for drafts of your work

carefully prior to your submission deadline to ensure accuracy in your use and

referencing of sources and to avoid an allegation of plagiarism.


American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition referencing guide

in your academic writing.

The link to the video introduction to APA style, how to format in-text

citations and list of references, further help and pdf. guides can be

found here:

Center for academic writing (CAW).

Formative work

Produce a plan that you can present for discussion

with one of the module team in your tutorial session