Assessment Brief: PRJ6001 Applied Project
Trimester 1, 2022
Assessment Overview

Assessment Task Type Weight Length Due ULOs
Assessment 1: Project Procedure and
Evaluation-Data Collection
Report outlining what project could be carried
out, analysed and evaluated to address the
Project or business goal/problem.
Individual 20% 1500
Week 5 ULO1
Assessment 2: Project Procedure and
Evaluation – Data Analysis
Report outlining how the project was
conducted, the data was collected and analysed
and an evaluation of the key findings.
Individual 20% 1500
Week 9 ULO1
Assessment 3: Peer review/persuasive critique
For each research theme, students need to
critique their peer’s research and present their
20% 15 min.
Week 10 ULO3
Assessment 4: Submission of Report/Artefact
Students prepare a final report, model, or
artefact of the research study. With a particular
focus on the outcomes and recommendations.
Individual 25% 3000
Week 12 ULO1
Assessment 5: Verbal Presentation/Viva
Students present their final report, model, or
artefact of the research study. With a particular
focus on the outcomes and recommendations.
15% 10 min.
Week 12 ULO1

Equiv. – equivalent word count based on the Assessment Load Equivalence Guide. It means this assessment is equivalent to the
normally expected time requirement for a written submission containing the specified number of words.

Assessment 1: Project Procedure and Evaluation-Data Collection

Due date: Week 5
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 1500 Words
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2

Assessment 1 Detail
A report outlining the project to be carried out, analysed and evaluated to address the business goal/problem.
A Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to ensure feedback about the suitability of the topic and
which informs others of a proposed piece of research and its significance. This is the first stage of preparing a
Research Proposal that could be used as part of an application to undertake a research degree or to apply for
funding to conduct the research.
For Assessment Task 1 you need to prepare an outline of your proposed research topic and research plan for
investigating the topic using a structure like shown below:
Project Title: This is a brief descriptive summary of the proposed research topic. For ideas on how a
project title should look, look at articles in Project Management journals such as the International Journal
of Project Management.
Research Overview and Justification: This is a brief summary of the research topic that describes the
topic and why it is important for a research study to be conducted to investigate the topic.
Literature Review: Discuss the objectives, methodologies and findings of relevant previous research that
provides a background for your research topic.
Research Objectives, Research question and Sub-questions: Linking back to sections (2) and (3), present
and justify the question that your research project will be designed to answer.
Methodology: Details about how you would answer your research question (e.g., by reviewing trends in
national / international statistics, by conducting a survey of consumers, by undertaking interviews with
employers) and start to consider any advantages, disadvantages, materials needed or practical limitations
of the methodology.
Significance of the research of the project. A summary of the sections ending with a statement of why it
is important to conduct the research using the methodology proposed.
References and Resources: provide references to key research studies, government reports and/or
industry reports using Harvard Referencing.

Assessment 1 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion
(50-64% of the criterion
(65-74% of the criterion
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion
(85-100% of the criterion
Understanding of topic
including background and
rationale (30 marks)
A logical structure and flow
with a clear link between the
specified problem and the
proposed research.
Insufficient linking of the
proposed research and the
stated problem. The proposal
does not demonstrate a clear
understanding and
background of the topic,
provide a rationale for why it
was selected, or justify how
the Research Project will
Acceptable linking of the
proposed research with the
stated problem. The proposal
demonstrates some
understanding and
background of the topic, and
provides a rationale for why it
was selected, however it was
unclear in places.
Good linking of the proposed
research with the stated
problem. The proposal
demonstrates a good
understanding and
background of the topic, and
provides a rationale for why it
was selected, however was
somewhat unclear in places.
Very good linking of the
proposed research with the
stated problem. The proposal
demonstrates a thorough
knowledge and background
of the topic and provides a
rationale for why it was
Excellent linking of the
proposed research with the
stated problem. The proposal
demonstrates a sophisticated
understanding and
background of the topic and
provides a clear rationale for
why it was selected.
Overview of the intended
approach, including study
plan. (30 marks)
The proposed methodology is
likely to yield a satisfactory
solution to the specified
The plan of the intended
approach to the Research
Project, including the timeline
for completion, is absent or
unclear. The methodology is
not likely to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.
The plan of the intended
approach to the Research
Project provides somewhat of
a strategy for literature
review and collection of data
and other materials, but is
unclear. The methodology
may provide a satisfactory
solution to the specified
The plan of the intended
approach to the Research
Project provides a strategy for
literature review and
collection of data and other
materials, but is a little
unclear. The methodology is
most likely to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.
The plan of the intended
approach to the Research
Project is well-developed,
with a clear and achievable
strategy and timeline for
literature review and
collection of data and other
materials. The methodology is
highly probable to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified Problem.
The plan of the intended
approach to the Research
Project is very clear and well
developed, with a coherent
and achievable timeline and
strategy. The methodology is
almost certain to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.


Literature Scan (20 marks)
Latest relevant research is
referred to in the report and
the expected research
findings are compared to
The research referred to in
the report is not the latest
relevant research available
and an acceptable
comparison of the expected
research findings to past
findings is not provided.
The research referred to in
the report is current
research available but an
acceptable comparison of
the expected research
findings to past findings not
The research referred to in
the report is the latest
relevant research available
and a good comparison of
the expected research
findings to past findings is
The research referred to in
the report is the latest
relevant research available
and a very good comparison
of the expected research
findings to past findings is
The research referred to in
the report is the latest
relevant research available
and an excellent comparison
of the expected research
findings to past findings is
Structure and
(10 marks)
Academically written
with an appropriate
length, structure and
clarity of expression.
Correct spelling and
There are many structural,
wording, spelling and
grammatical issues
The ideas are written in a
reasonably clear manner,
however there are some
structural, wording, spelling
and grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured in a clear
manner, with only minor
wording, spelling and
grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured in a very clear
manner, with no wording,
spelling or grammatical
The ideas are written and
structured with excellent
clarity and cohesion, with no
wording, spelling or
grammatical issues.
Referencing (10 marks )
Correct citing andreference
listing using Harvard
Insufficient and incorrect
Harvard listing provided.
Harvard citing for a few
authors and listing of those
references with some errors.
Harvard citing for most
references with some errors.
Mostly correct Harvard
citing in the text and
reference list.
Accurate Harvard citing in
the text and reference list
for all references.

Assessment 2: Project Procedure and Evaluation – Data Analysis

Due date: Week 9
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 1500 Words
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2

Assessment 2 Detail
A report outlining how the project was conducted, the data was collected and analysed and an evaluation of key
findings in comparison to other published reports on a similar topic.
For Assessment Task 2 you need to prepare an outline of your proposed research topic and research plan for
collecting and analysing the data relevant to the research topic using a structure like shown below:
1. Project Title:
2. Research Overview and Justification:
3. Methodology: Describe the proposed strategy.
4. Data Analysis: Describe the proposed analysis strategy briefly.
5. Results: An indication of what results are expected.
6. Ethical issues: This section would cover any ethical issues that were considered in the research.
7. Significance of the research of the project.
8. References and Resources: provide references to key research studies, government reports and/or
industry reports using Harvard Referencing.

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion
(50-64% of the criterion
(65-74% of the criterion
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion
(85-100% of the criterion
Justification of the
Study (30 marks)
A clear statement of the
rationale and objectives
for this research and
description of the
significance of the study.
Insufficient linking of the
proposed research and the
stated specific problem.
The author does not
describe how the research is
Acceptable linking of the
proposed research with the
stated specific problem.
The author’s description of
the research approach is
Good linking of the
proposed research with the
stated specific problem.
The author describes how
the research is approached
in a logical manner.
Very good linking of the
proposed research with the
stated specific problem.
The author describes how
the research is to be
approached in a logical
Excellent linking of the
proposed research with the
stated specific problem.
The author describes how
the research is to be
approached in a logical
and succinct manner.
Design and Methodology
(30 Marks).
Clear understanding of the
research design of this
project (What), the
significance of the
assumptions of academic
research (Why), and a
description/explanation of
the research design of this
project (How). Research
design is well presented.
The methodology is not
likely to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem. The
research design is limited
and there is no conceptual
or theoretical framework in
the report.
The methodology is likely to
provide a satisfactory
solution to the specified
problem. The research
design is adequate and
there is a conceptual or
theoretical framework in the
report, but this requires
further work.
The methodology is most
likely to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.
The research design is
appropriate to the research
project and question and
there is a conceptual or
theoretical framework in the
report which provides the
basis of the data collection
and analysis.
The methodology is highly
likely to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified Problem.
The research design is most
appropriate to the research
project and question and
there is a conceptual or
theoretical framework in
the report which provides
the basis of the data
collection and analysis.
The methodology is almost
certain to provide a
satisfactory solution to the
specified problem.
The research design is well
thought and appropriate to
the research project and
question. There is a clear
conceptual or theoretical
framework which provides
the basis of the data
collection and analysis.
Research Analysis and
Results (20 Marks)
A clear understanding of
the major research
question and how
appropriate data was
collected and analysed.
(20 marks)
The data collection and
analysis is not clear and fails
to address the research
topic and the relevant
The data collection
approach is clear but is not
clearly addressed by the
analysis and is unlikely to
address the research topic.
The data collection and
analysis are clear but could
be better linked to the
research topic and relevant
The data collection and
analysis are clear and
address the research topic
in most areas.
The data collection and
analysis are very clear and
address the research topic
and relevant context.


Structure and
(10 marks)
Academically written
with an appropriate
length, structure and
clarity of expression.
Correct spelling and
There are many
structural, wording,
spelling and grammatical
The ideas are written in a
reasonably clear manner,
however there are some
structural, wording,
spelling and grammatical
The ideas are written and
structured in a clear
manner, with only minor
wording, spelling and
grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured in a very clear
manner, with no
wording, spelling or
grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured with excellent
clarity and cohesion, with
no wording, spelling or
grammatical issues.
Referencing (10 marks )
Correct citing and
reference listing using
Insufficient and incorrect
Harvard listing provided.
Harvard citing for a few
authors and listing of
those references with
some errors.
Harvard citing for most
references with some
Mostly correct Harvard
citing in the text and
reference list listing an
adequate number of
Accurate Harvard citing in
the text and reference list
for all references.

Assessment 3: Peer review/persuasive critique presentation

Due date: Week 10
Group/individual: Individual / Invigilated
Word count/Time provided: 15 Minutes (1500 words equivalent)
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO3

Assessment 3 Detail
For each research theme, students need to critique their peer’s research and present their critique in
the form of a presentation using an annotated PowerPoint, Zoom recording and mobile recording.
This presentation will be submitted in Canvas but will not be presented to their peers. Students will
be allocated two other Assessment 2 submissions to critique.
This assignment is aimed at ensuring that the students can assess whether a research project is
important, realistic and manageable, and that the research question is appropriate and can be
answered with the proposed methodology. It is crucial for their own project that the students can
complete research evaluation tasks in a timely manner and then apply the relevant project
management and research tools and techniques.

Assessment 3 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion
(50-64% of the criterion
(65-74% of the criterion
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion
(85-100% of the criterion
Relevance of the critique
(30 Marks)
Critiques do not address
the topic prompts, and
do not extend
knowledge, amplify or
explore the topic in any
meaningful way.
Critiques only vaguely
address the topic
prompts, and could do
much more to extend
knowledge, amplify and
explore the topic in more
Critiques address the
topic prompts, but could
do more to extend
knowledge, amplify and
explore the topic in more
Critiques address the
topic prompts, extend
knowledge or amplify or
explore the topic in more
Critiques address the
topic prompts directly,
extend knowledge,
amplify and explore the
topic in significant detail.
Quality of the expression
and delivery of the
critiques (20 Marks)
No opinions or ideas
expressed. Poor
grammar, spelling and
punctuation in many
Opinions and ideas are
unclear and lacking in
support. Several
grammar, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Opinions and ideas are
clearly stated with an
occasional lack of
supporting evidence.
Few grammar, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Opinions are expressed
in a clear, concise and
well-supported manner.
No grammar, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Contributions add
significant value to the
discussions, are
thoughtful, well-written
and contribute relevant
additional resources and
Evidence-based critique
(20 Marks)
Critiques are not
supported by evidence,
and claims are made
without any supporting
Critiques are occasionally
supported by evidence,
and many claims are
made without the
support of evidence.
Critiques are sometimes
supported by evidence,
however sometimes the
evidence for claims being
made is lacking.
Critiques are supported
by evidence where
Critiques are strongly
supported by evidence
where appropriate.
Presentation is structured
and case well argued for
undertaking the proposed
(30 marks).
The critique is not
acceptably structured
and the case for
undertaking the
proposed research is not
acceptably addressed.
Limited display of media
The critique is acceptably
structured and the case
for undertaking the
proposed research is
acceptably addressed.
Limited display of media
The critique is mostly
structured and the case
for undertaking the
proposed research is
mostly addressed.
Adequate display of
media shown.
The critique is well
structured and the case
for undertaking the
proposed research is well
addressed. Strong display
of media shown.
The critique is well
structured and excellently
addresses the case for
undertaking the proposed
Excellent display of media

Assessment 4: Submission of Report/Artefact

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 3000 Words
Weighting: 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4

Assessment 4 Detail
Students prepare a final report, model, or artefact of the research study.
The final report will incorporate key aspects of the design, conduct, research and analysis and will be
presented in a structured and coherent manner which is appropriate for a research report or
publication. This will include abstract, introduction, methods, analysis and results, discussion,
conclusion and appropriate referencing.

Assessment 4: Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 25% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion
(50-64% of the criterion
(65-74% of the criterion
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion
(85-100% of the criterion
Preparatory Context
(20 Marks)
The report does not provide
a clear preparatory context
for the project, or a clear
rationale, overview of the
approach to the literature
review and its key findings,
or a clear discussion of how
the action plan was
The report provides a
limited preparatory context
for the project, with a brief
rationale, overview of the
approach to the literature
review and its key findings,
and some discussion of how
the action plan was
The report provides a
preparatory context for the
project, with a rationale,
overview of the approach
to the literature review and
its key findings, and
discussion of how the
action plan was developed.
The report provides a good
preparatory context for
the project, with a good
rationale, overview of the
approach to the literature
review and its key findings,
and discussion of how the
action plan was developed.
The report provides a
sophisticated preparatory
context for the project,
with an excellent rationale,
overview of the approach
to the literature review and
its key findings, and
discussion of how the
action plan was developed.
Methods, Analysis and
(40 Marks)
The report does not provide
a clear commentary on the
methodology of the action
plan, or the findings at
either a detailed or strategic
The report provides a
commentary on the
methodology of the action
plan, however with limited
understanding of the
findings at both a detailed
and strategic level.
The report provides a
commentary on the
methodology of the action
plan, with some
understanding of the
findings at both a detailed
and strategic level.
The report provides a good
commentary on the
methodology of the action
plan, with a good
understanding of the
findings at both a detailed
and strategic level.
The report provides an
excellent commentary on
the methodology of the
action plan, with a
understanding of the
findings at both a detailed
and strategic level.
(20 Marks)
The report does not clearly
state recommendations and
implementation pathways.
The report states some
recommendations and
pathways however
discussions about how this
could be implemented
were unclear and lacking in
The report states
recommendations and
pathways, however needed
more clarity and precision
about how this could be
The report states
recommendations and
high-level implementation
The report clearly states
recommendations and
high-level implementation
pathways as a result of the


Structure and presentation
(10 Marks)
The report is not written for
the appropriate audience,
and there are many
structural, wording, spelling
and grammatical issues.
The report is written in a
reasonably clear manner
for the audience, however
there are some structural,
wording, spelling and
grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured in a clear
manner, with only minor
wording, spelling and
grammatical issues.
The ideas are written and
structured in a very clear
manner, with no wording,
spelling or grammatical
The ideas are written and
structured with excellent
clarity and cohesion, with
no wording, spelling or
grammatical issues.
(10 Marks)
There are many errors with
the Harvard referencing
with in-text citations and
the reference list.
Harvard referencing is
used, although there are
some errors with in-text
citations and the reference
Harvard referencing is used
appropriately, and only
minor errors with in-text
citations and the reference
Harvard referencing is used
appropriately, and no
errors with in-text citations
and the reference list.
Harvard referencing is
excellently used, with
correct in-text citations and
the reference list.

Assessment 5: Verbal Presentation/Viva

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual / Invigilated
Word count/Time provided: 10 Minutes (equivalent to 900 words)
Weighting: 15%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4

Assessment 5: Detail
Students present their final report, model, or artefact of the research study. The assessment will
consist of a PowerPoint together with Audio or a short video which will cover the marking criteria.
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 15% of the total unit mark. The
marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.

Assessment 5: Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 15% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion mark)
(50-64% of the criterion
(65-74% of the criterion
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion
(85-100% of the criterion
Research problem is detailed
and relevant research
(20 marks).
Inadequate explanation of
the problem and the
methodology to be
employed. No rationale
Acceptable explanation of the
problem and the
methodology to be
employed, with rationale
Good explanation of the
problem and the
methodology to be
employed. A rationale
outlining the research
approach was included.
Very good explanation of the
problem and methodology
employed. The rationale was
very clear and justified the
chosen approach.
Excellent explanation of the
problem and the
methodology to be
employed. The rationale was
very clear and supported the
chosen approach.
Literature was appropriate
and critiqued.
(30 marks).
Limited explanation of the
literature with no rationale.
Acceptable explanation of the
selected literature was
provided with limited
discussion on gaps in the
Good explanation of the
selected literature provided
with some discussion of the
gaps in the field.
Very good account of the
literature selected with
ample discussion of the gaps
in the field.
Excellent critique of the
relevant literature with clear
identification of the gaps in
the field.
Presentation is structured
and case well argued for
undertaking the proposed
research. Suitable display
media were used.
(30 marks).
Talk is not acceptably
structured and the case for
undertaking the proposed
research is not acceptably
argued for. Limited display of
media shown.
Talk is acceptably structured
and the case for undertaking
the proposed research is
acceptably argued for.
Limited display of media
Talk is mostly structured and
the case for undertaking the
proposed research is mostly
argued for. Adequate display
of media shown.
Talk is well structured and
the case for undertaking the
proposed research is well
argued. Strong display of
media shown.
Talk is well structured and
excellently argues the case
for undertaking the proposed
Excellent display of media
Personal approach to
(20 Marks)
Poor presentation skills –
both spoken and visual.
Satisfactory presentation
skills – both spoken and
Good presentation skills –
both spoken and visual.
Very good presentation skills
– both spoken and visual.
Excellent presentation skills –
both spoken and visual.